Plus Volunteer Globally
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Help Our Children by giving children hope, love & shelter to better their lives. During the pandemic hundreds of children have lost their parents and are left without any support, love & care.
Sant Trilochan Darshan Das Ji launches an orphanage for children who have lost their parents during the pandemic.
SND is committed to transforming the lives of orphans and children by creating lasting change to their lives. Giving children hope, love & shelter to better their lives. During the pandemic hundreds of children have lost their parents and are left without any support, love & care.
Plus Volunteer Globally
There are a thousand ways to make a difference. With your support, we address children’s critical needs by working with our volunteers.
We focus on changing behaviours and practices at the grassroots level and influencing public policy at a systemic level – thereby creating an ecosystem where children are made the nation’s priority.
Millions of people have not enough food, so we're working to feed the hungry.
Sachkhand Nanak Dham Humare Bachche Orphanage is committed to transforming the lives of orphans and children by creating lasting change to their lives.
How to make a donation on your site ?
It is not hard to make a donation right on the site. You only need to choose Donate Button, then fill some important information in a form.
Becoming a volunteer is very difficult ?
It is simple to become a volunteer. You look for selected volunteer opportunities on our sites, fill all necessary information in the form and wait until we contact with you.
How can i Donate for poor people ?
We have many campaigns to support people living in the poverty. If you love to Donate for them, contact with us to know more details about campaigns dedicated to the poor.
humarebache has done many works for poor people such as helping children of poor families to return school, supplying fresh water for thousands of people. Their work is amazing.
They have kept thousands of children around the world healthy, educated and safe. They have worked in the hardest-to-reach destinations, which have many people in need.
humarebache have created a lot of safe spaces for children, poor people and the homeless in emergencies and they help to decline children marriage in asia countries and others.
Asting has done many works for poor people such as helping children of poor families to return school, supplying fresh water for thousands of people. Their work is amazing.
They have kept thousands of children around the world healthy, educated and safe. They have worked in the hardest-to-reach destinations, which have many people in need.
humarebache have created a lot of safe spaces for children, poor people and the homeless in emergencies and they help to decline children marriage in asia countries and others.
humarebache has done many works for poor people such as helping children of poor families to return school, supplying fresh water for thousands of people. Their work is amazing.
They have kept thousands of children around the world healthy, educated and safe. They have worked in the hardest-to-reach destinations, which have many people in need.
Sant Trilochan Darshan Das Ji launches an orphanage for children who have lost their parents during the pandemic.